Unit 1 - 3 C's: Content, Composition, Craftsmanship

3 C's (copy what is in Red)

  • Content 
  • Composition 
  • Craftsmanship 

It is important to understand the 3 C's as I will be looking to see them reflected in your projects and sketchbook assignments.

What is Content? Content refers to a work's subject matter, or what is being depicted. For example, a painting of Ms. Tonkin's face would be considered a portrait, when a drawing of some vases and flowers would be considered as a still-life. Content can be also made up of the elements of art such as colour and texture.

What is Craftsmanship? Craftsmanship in art means a skill or dexterity shown by a person for creating an artistic work with hands. It is a quality which may be admired and care and effort have been put into the work.

What is Composition? Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject. It can also be thought of as the organization of the elements of art according to the principles of art.

Center Biased

Rule of Thirds


Focal Point/Contrast

Focal Point - Blur

Using Asymmetry (unbalanced)

Composition Activity (in your sketchbook)
1. Choose three objects from the table.

3. Draw 6 boxes for rough thumbnail sketches (each measuring approx. 10cm x 8cm)

4. Each box will show a different composition. Create a view finder to help you locate the edge of the frame. Arrange the objects within the frame to create 6 different compositions that were covered above


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