Unit 2 - Major Painting Assignment #4

Monochromatic Painting 

Step 1: Draw a modified contour of your image that you have chosen to paint.  You may use the grid technique we have covered in our value drawings, for that email me the image or AirDrop it to me.

Step 2:  Choose a colour that you want to work in.  Remember monochromatic = 1 COLOUR.  Practice your monochromatic colour scheme by mixing 5 different values.  Paint these in your sketchbook.

Step 3: Practice drawing your image in your sketchbook, figure out where the lighter and darker values will be present.

Step 4:  Enlarge your drawing on the good copy paper.  Make sure you draw very lightly or even with yellow pencil crayon

Step 5: Begin painting.  Make sure you include at least one or two of the painting techniques we learned (wash, pointillism, scumbling, dry brush, sponge)

Step by step instructions for 

Success Criteria 

1. Monochromatic Colour Scheme applied 

2. 5 different values created - Tints, Shades and Tones applied
3. Painting technique applied 
4. 3'C - composition, craftsmanship and content 

Reflection Questions.  Hand in with painting. 

Initial Reaction 
Does your artwork remind you of anything?  What do you like about it? 

What colour scheme has been used? What is the content/subject matter? 

What art elements are most important in this work and why? 

How does the artwork connect with some aspect of your life? 

Expression of Aesthetic Judgement 
Do you find the art work successful? Why or why not? 

Image result for monochromatic animal painting Image result for monochromatic animal painting Image result for monochromatic animal painting
Image result for monochromatic painting
Image result for monochromatic painting
