Unit 1 - Styles of Art Note

Styles of Art

Copy what is red into your notes.  Draw an example of the style of art. 

Non-Representational (or Non-Objective)

-artwork that does not accurately show of the physical appearance of people, place or things.  It is made up of shapes, lines, colours, value and texture.  

Le Premier Disque

Le Premier Disque (1913).
by Robert Delaunay, illustrating 

non-objective art using shape, 
line and colour.


-artwork that takes inspiration for the physical appearance of people or things.  Abstraction is a departure from accurate representation and can be slight or partial. 

Les Demoiselles D'Avignon (1907).
(Detail) by Picasso, illustrating his
move away from realism towards the
disjointed forms that would end in


-artwork that clearly depicts what it is supposed to be.  The artwork can still be creative and have slight changes (colour) from the actual object.  

The Blue Dancer (1898) by Degas,
one of the greatest exponents of
figure painting as well as various
types of figure drawing.

The figure of Adam - A detail from the
Ghent Altarpiece (c.1432).
By Jan van Eyck.
